Is that craving for something sweet a figment of your imagination, or is your body actually waving a flag for help during menopause?
Dismissing the concept of your body communicating its needs may be tempting, thinking it's just a quaint notion. Yet, when you reflect on the myriad of hormonal changes occurring during this time, the idea of your body communicating its needs doesn't seem so far-fetched.

Let's delve deeper:
Think of food as more than fuel; it's a form of conversation with your body.
What we eat sends signals that can either promote balance or create chaos, especially during menopause. Slip into unhealthy eating habits, and it's like you're rewiring your brain to fixate on those rapid energy sources – sugary treats that provide a quick high followed by an inevitable crash.
Cravings are especially an all-too-common experience for menopausal women.
Picture this: It's mid-morning, and instead of feeling energised, you're hit with an overwhelming desire for a sweet or savoury snack. It's not just a minor slip-up; these cravings could be a menopause-related cry for help.
They may not stem from a lack of self-control.
They could be indicative of hormonal fluctuations, nutritional gaps, or stress that's often heightened during menopause.
What could these cravings be communicating?

1. Stress:
Menopause can ramp up stress levels.
If your days are high-tension and relaxation is low on the agenda, your body may be seeking a dopamine hit that the sweetness of ice cream or the crunch of chips provides.
Implementing stress-reducing strategies like yoga, breathing exercises, or mindfulness is crucial.
2. Nutrient deficiencies:
A balanced diet is vital. While it's still debated how directly cravings correspond to nutrient needs, a diet abundant in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fibres can help keep your body in check and potentially stave off the urge to snack impulsively.

3. Blood sugar fluctuations:
Menopause can make blood sugar levels more volatile, prompting sugar cravings.
Strive for meals that combine protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to help keep blood sugar stable.
4. Emotional well-being:
Emotional eating can increase during menopause. Identifying whether you're actually hungry or just bored, sad, or anxious can be the key to breaking this cycle.
5. Habitual eating:
If snacking has become a part of your routine, it may be hard to discern if you're truly hungry or just following a pattern. Breaking these habits can be important in managing cravings.
6. Poor Sleep quality:
Menopause often disrupts sleep, which in turn can upset hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin. Ensuring adequate rest is vital for keeping these hormones – and your cravings – in check. Avoid late-night snacking, especially while watching TV.

7. Hydration:
Dehydration can often masquerade as hunger. Before succumbing to cravings, try drinking water first to see if it's thirst you're experiencing.
As a menopausal woman, the next time a craving arises, pause to reflect. Have you been feeding your body with well-balanced meals? Are you hydrated? Rested? Are you seeking emotional solace in food?
Cravings during menopause are a signal to reassess our lifestyles and diet. Understanding these signals is vital for maintaining a healthy weight, making better food choices, and achieving emotional balance.
But, tread carefully with the internet's "Dr. Google" – the digital world's health advice can be a confusing mix of hits and misses. While it's tempting to interpret cravings as signs of nutrient deficiencies, it's not always straightforward. We don't lust after salmon and kale – it's the chocolate bars and crisps that call to us.
Consider including:
- B vitamins to support brain health and manage stress.
- Healthy fats for satiety and brain health.
- Quality protein to stabilize blood sugar.
- Iron to prevent energy dips that might lead to cravings.
- Magnesium, often referred to as the 'chill pill,' can be particularly helpful in managing stress.
Incorporating these nutrients, alongside stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, tai chi, or meditation, and ensuring quality sleep can help you respond to your body's messages wisely during menopause, guiding you towards nourishment rather than constant battles with cravings.
Working with someone who can take a step back and look at the whole spectrum of your life can be hugely beneficial.
Message me if you feel stuck and controlled by cravings. It is so not about will power. Or schedule a complimentary call, just to chat, there is no obligation for anything more.